How you think about money, and a conversation with Money



I’m reading another wealth mindset book (You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth, by Jen Sincero). I wonder, for the record, why I reckon I, too, can join the “lucky” few who make enough money to become financially independent.

Here are the reasons:

1. There’s a massive amount of money in the world (according to one source, 80 trillion dollars), with a massive amount of money (about 5 trillion dollars) ready for people to channel towards them. (Remember: money doesn’t know you; it doesn’t care where it ends up.)

2. I’m smart enough to learn what I need to learn.

3. I own and have access to incredibly powerful tools and resources – a computer, a smartphone, stable high speed internet access, and bank accounts.

4. I’ve developed various skills over the years that increase the likelihood of financial independence – the production, publication and distribution of text and other material; self-confidence to engage in conversations with strangers; basic knowledge and understanding of financial markets, including how to open accounts, trade, and manage capital; how to sell, market, and advertise products or services on the internet.

5. I know I’ll be able to do even more good things with more money than I do now. I know I’ll be more of the good I already am.

6. I have already confronted many obstacles in my subconscious that have prevented me over the years from taking the right steps to make more money, and I have started deactivated them. I have a strong suspicion more obstacles lie in wait. I know that I will also identify these obstacles, deactivate them, and replace them with beliefs that will strengthen my efforts to be more successful. I know that because I find it interesting to discover and confront these obstacles, although it is emotionally uncomfortable, because I know I end up with interesting notes about it.

7. I understand that you don’t have to think about making money because all the money you can ever dream of already exists. I also understand that you need to make yourself receptive to it, view yourself as worthy of it, and take action to receive it.


Again important to mention when talking about money:

1. You are a programmable, and already programmed, organic robot. This programming includes the language you speak, the cultural practices with which you fill your life, how you dress, the type of jokes you make, the sport you play, the religion you adhere to, and your preferences in food and drink.

2. Your view of adult life, your expectations of how your life will be as an adult, your view of how one makes a living, the income class you expect to find yourself in as an adult, your relationship with money – are you a spender or a saver? are you smart with money or are you wasteful? is it a struggle for you to make money or is there no limit to the amount of money you can make? – are all also part of the programming you received as a child.

3. If you want to improve your life and possibly also the lives of other people, money is an invaluable resource.

4. Words are important. How you speak and the words you use affect what you believe and how you feel and ultimately what you do.

* * *

Jen Sincero, the author of You Are a Badass at Making Money, mentions in her book that every person has a relationship with money and that it is a useful exercise to write a letter to money as if it were a person. I think this can also work as a dialogue:


MONEY: If I can do so much for you, why don’t you have more of me?

ME: I’ve put in a lot of effort to have more of you in my life, but few of my efforts have paid off.

MONEY: Other people don’t try so hard and they have more of me in their lives than they can spend in a lifetime. Why do you think I spend so much time with them, and so little time with you?

ME: I’ve always thought people who have so much of you in their lives are either lucky, or they do things that impress you. I’ve been very lucky about some things in my life, but not with you. And I have clearly never done anything that impresses you.

MONEY: Am I currently in your life? How much do you see of me now?

ME: I see enough of you to stay alive and live fairly well, but not enough to do other things I’d like to do. You’re not enough in my life to sustain me if I were to be in an accident, or to last me to old age. I would definitely want much, much more of you in my life.

MONEY: You wanted to become a hermit at one stage. What was that about?

ME: I think I didn’t want a relationship with the world. Or maybe I resented the fact that I needed you so much in my life, but had so little of you. I might have not wanted a relationship with you at all.

MONEY: Do you want to be a hermit now?

ME: No. I know it would be a very limited life. I would mean very little to other people.

MONEY: What would it mean for you to have a good relationship with me, to have as much of me in your life as you need – to even have me in abundance in your life?

ME: I’ll be more relaxed. I will experience things and see places that I now just know about. I will be able to better assist my parents. I will have a better relationship with both my sisters, but especially with my older sister. I will teach other people – including people close to me – how to improve their relationship with you. I will be able to assist animals in need. I will share you with people who will assist me in my endeavours.

(Just had an insight. In this conversation, you speak to “someone” whose power is unlimited – indeed, “someone” with power over life and death. However, it seems to be a challenge making this “someone” happy. And sometimes this “person” is present in your life, and sometimes not. There is no doubt that you’d like more of this “person” in your life, seeing that “he” can enable you to do so much, he can give you so much protection, and he can empower you to experience so many good things. Is it just me who seems to be confused between money and “God”?)
