What do you *want* to think?


Any of a number of things – a resource, a book, a snippet of information – can bring to your attention on any given day something that will give you a huge boost on your path to success. I’m talking about the kind of thing you would point to in six months, or in two years, or in five years’ time, and say, “That thing – made the world’s difference.”

Of course, you won’t realise the real value when the resource, the tool, the book or the piece of information (“Did you know…”) comes your way. After all, it won’t arrive in an envelope marked “That Thing You Will Refer To Later”. But you will eventually know: It was one of the things that brought you where you are today.

Once you accept that these things are out there – floating around you as it were – it makes perfect sense to keep your mind open, and to anticipate a significant resource falling into your lap.



Number two: Recognise the possibility that you are already doing something that will eventually make you financially independent, or that you’re already in the place where it is going to happen, or are already in the right industry, the right market or the right profession. You may be closer than you think.


Think of an unpleasant situation from your past (come on, it’s an experiment). Observe the feeling that arises. Decide on what you want to put more weight: “Recordings” from your subconscious that dictate how you should feel about it or conscious decision in the here and now.

Remember: these recordings are not your own thoughts; they’re just records of what other people have said over the years, or what you’ve read in books, or heard on TV or in a movie, and which were stored away in an effort to make it easier for you to make a decision in the future, or take a position that can make you better fit into your environment, and/or that may enable you to function better.

I understand why these so-called recordings are necessary, and why they can be valuable, so it is with respect to my subconscious that I say: The recordings in the particular case I think of are not valuable. I therefore decide, now and here, to label the unpleasant memory as Not As Important As I Used To Think It Was, and in the process I draw energy away from it. Next time the memory knocks on the inside of my skull, the sensation will necessarily matter less – like a fly that sits on your arm for a moment, and then flies away.


Was again reminded of Monday’s thought (15/04/19). Something happens. You either immediately feel something about it, or you wonder how you should feel about it. If you immediately feel something – where does it come from? Uncritical response from your subconscious; a previously programmed or recorded response that was waiting for an appropriate situation.

Is that how you want to feel about it?

If you ask yourself this question, where do you look for an answer? Earlier experiences that may be similar to the present one; things that other people have said about such situations, and which you thought at that time sounded correct and appropriate.

Again, ask yourself: How do you want to feel about it?

Chances are that the answer will be: “Nothing. I don’t want to feel anything about it. It’s not really important. I’d rather just move past it.”

Will no response adversely affect your well-being and happiness in the future? If not, why should you care about who said what, or what happened? Why, if it’s not going to adversely affect your happiness and well-being in the future, should you care at all about something someone said?

And if you decide, or realise it doesn’t matter, let it go.
