Faith and disillusionment – honest appearance

Fall in, it’s already TUESDAY, 8 JANUARY 2008.

To be without hope, and without faith, is almost as bad as to be without love.


I just remembered what I wrote a few months ago: “Fight for the fighting spirit, for the sake of fighting for the fighting spirit.”

Why? Why do you get back on your feet after a disappointment or a setback?

You get back on your feet, because what else are you going to do? Give up? Grow old within weeks, suddenly sick, annoyed, in the mood for nothing?

Fuck that. Count me in for another round.


I am my own biggest fan, friend, counsellor, comrade … but, and this is not easy to admit, I am also my own biggest obstacle on the road to success.


The day comes when an idea hits you, and from that day on your life is marked by choices made to realise this idea. Sometimes the journey is long and tiring – as journeys often are. When you reach an intersection you sometimes think you know the right way; other times you are not so sure. Every now and then, a marker is exposed – in a shrub, or in a forest, under a tree or erected on top of a heap of stones. Maybe another twenty kilometres, the deeply-etched letters in dark ink inform you. Just so you know.


The most honest appearance you will ever make is when you only appear to yourself.

Problem is, if you only ever appeared to yourself, your chances of experiencing what can be described as happiness will be slim. Whether you will feel as if your life has any meaning is also a moot point. So, to experience happiness and give meaning to your life, you appear to other people.

How important is honest appearance – for you? How can honest appearance be defined? Can you experience happiness if your appearances are not honest? Can your life have value if your appearances are not honest? (I think it can.) Can you have an awareness that your life is meaningful if your appearances are not honest? Can you be conscious of your life being meaningful if your life does not mean anything to anyone, but your limited appearances are honest?


A personal struggle sometimes revolves around a single matter, and sometimes multiple issues flow together in a single struggle.

My personal struggle, at first glance, is to become financially independent. But beneath the surface it seems as if the struggle for financial independence is only the latest battleground in a larger struggle.

This larger struggle revolves around faith and disillusionment.

I always want to believe. But in the dark corridors of my being slumbers the expectation of disillusionment.

That is my struggle.


Is it not strange that you sometimes compose your best love poems, and your most beautiful love letters, for persons that eventually, in the long term, do not matter that much to you? That you sometimes dedicate your best, your most inspired love literature to those who are far, far removed from the One Great Love?


Conflict with myself – trapped in a reclusive existence


“He has it in him to become successful, but does he have it in him to be successful?” ~ part of a conversation in my head


It is like I am always in conflict with myself. One part is almost autistic – he just wants to sit in his own little corner where everything is familiar, where each little dust ball is in its place. Nothing should ever change.

The other part is ambitious. He wants to improve things; he wants things better. He is impatient, and endlessly frustrated with the guy in the corner.


Themes for a writing project:

– moral compromises, and the situations that give rise to them

– life as struggle, and then you rest

– living with the consequences of your own catastrophic mistakes or failures

– knowing what might happen (in theory, according to CNN, newspapers, etc.) and living every day as if it won’t happen


I can take losing. A pain that I would like to avoid as much as possible, though, is disillusionment.


That I mention this on the last day of 2007, is incidental.

An overview of the year in yesterday’s Taipei Times reminded me that I have succeeded to a large extent in one of my visions for the future in 1994: I have become a recluse. That I go out to teach a few classes every week, and to be with Natasja make it a little less obvious, but not much further from the truth.

There are cultural events in this city, plays, performances, art and museum exhibitions, but for years I have been trapped in a reclusive existence, a reduced reality if any sociologist or psychologist has ever hoped for another case study, full of energy and focus, busy with some project, some struggle.

Is it absolutely necessary for things to be like this?


Everything is a gamble – including life in North Korea


I recently had the insight that it is very difficult to make money, a) if you don’t have a target list of prospective clients, b) if you don’t have any partners, c) if you don’t have a product of your own that you can market with the help of affiliates, and d) if you don’t invest at least some money in pay-per-click ads or other paid advertising. The idea that you just can fill a space on the Internet with text and a few affiliate links that say “Click here for more information” is nice but completely unrealistic.

* * *

Besides so-called Internet marketing, I have developed an interest in sports betting as a way to make money. How do I justify risking precious time and financial resources on activities to which I have had almost no exposure until recently? The way I see it, everything is a gamble.

A so-called permanent job is a risk you take: You place a bet against any large-scale layoffs in the near future, and you place a bet on how profitable the company is, how well the company is doing in the stock market, how well the company is managed, and other factors that are totally beyond the control of you and the company. You also take a chance with your own business, like a series of pottery products or a coffee shop. Marketing other people’s products on the Internet is also a risk you take: You place a bet that enough people will visit your website, then click on a link, and then buy something while the piece of code on their computer that will give you credit for the fact that they bought something is still active.

You put time and money on the table, and you hope for the best. In the case of a full-time job, you are influenced by social convention that says, “Everyone gets a job, and then you get a salary, and after five years a promotion and everything works out fine.” In the case of Internet marketing, you base your risk on the advice of some expert (real or not) who says do this or do that, or go to this site or work with that platform and then your dividend will be this much per day or per week or per month or per year.

Every way you try to make money is a gamble, and every industry has its so-called experts. Sports betting, horse racing and other such activities are simply gambling stripped of the thin layer that makes other things look a little less like gambling.

Every person has to decide at the end of the day where the best bet lies for him or her, how much they are willing to risk, and how much they are willing to lose.

* * *

A few days ago I watched two documentaries about North Korea. A few remarks: North Koreans work with the reality with which they were born. They cannot function as if they were, for example, Americans who were born in Chicago, because it simply would not be conducive to the continuance of their daily existence. They speak Korean; they recite their oaths of loyalty to the Dear Leader; they work, eat, sleep, take part in mass performances, marry, have children, laugh, cry, suffer; they enjoy the small things in life, and the fellowship of friends and family; they avoid criticising the government or the authorities, or the Dear Leader’s height or weight or hairstyle; and then they die.


From the Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova: “If you have not done anything worthy of being recorded, at least write something worthy of being read.”


If 60% of my results are bad, I accept it, and I am happy with the 40% that is good.

If 60% of my results are good, I complain about the 40% that is bad, believing the bad part spoils the good part.

I better work on that, fast.


More than three simple truths


[Thoughts after a conversation with a friend]

It took a long time for me to see other people more as they really are, and not as I make them – and sometimes want them to be – in my own, sometimes simplistic world. It remains true, though, that some people will always be in the minority at backyard barbecues or at a family table during Sunday lunch.

A simple truth, number two: If most members of a group make the same lifestyle choices, these choices would appear to most members of the group as the best choices they can make – whether they really are such great choices, or not. (And to be fair – just because the majority thinks something is right, doesn’t mean they are necessarily wrong.)

A simple truth, number three: You can’t tell people they are wrong if you don’t present them with an alternative – and not an alternative that will work better for you, an alternative that would be better for them.


I am glad that I wrote what I wrote when I wrote it, and with the conviction with which I did it. I still stand by what I wrote, but the world is a strange place: Crime pays for too many criminals, irrational people seem to be in control of way too much, and people drunk on religion wreak havoc wherever they go.


Taiwan: Where I wrote what I had wanted to write, where I met the love of my life, and where I built up a foundation for my future.

Create something to leave behind, love and be loved, and make it possible for myself to grow old.

That is, so it seems, what I came here to do. Could I ever have asked for more?


The Power of One – not only the power that one person has to alleviate the suffering of other people, but the power of one person whose suffering has been alleviated.

* * *

My purpose on earth is to relieve other people’s suffering. Being a writer provides you with a nice identity, a nice label to hang around your own neck. But my writing is a means to an end, namely, to alleviate other people’s suffering.

[16/05/2016: Is this true? Am I not just giving expression to my experience of an active existence? Would I rather help people than to leave them stranded by the side of the road? I would choose to assist them, but is my writing really an attempt to find stranded people by the side of the road – so to speak – and then to help them get home?]


“George W. Bush is presiding over one of the darkest periods of US history. And it isn’t just external factors that are causing this situation, Bush himself is one of the leading causes of darkness.” ~ Thought with which I woke up this morning. There was also a thought about eBay, but I can’t remember the details.

[A few notes written during September 2007 but without a date]

“The best time to have planted a tree was five years ago. The second best time is today.” ~ Chinese proverb

* * *

A salesman apparently tries his best to convince people to buy what he has to sell. A marketer, on the other hand, determines what people want, and then he finds or develops an appropriate product or service to offer them at a price.

I clearly have a long way to go.

* * *

Apparently, it is easier to sell two thousand $500 products than it is to sell fifty thousand $20 products.


Find, then define yourself – crooked emotions

MONDAY, 25 JUNE 2007

You go on a “search” to “find” yourself because you believe you are “lost” – and then, as many people believe, you get to a point where you discover what you are supposed to be, or you simply see what is left after the “search” has eliminated what you had thought you were supposed to be. It makes one think of someone walking around in a mall full of clothing stores, not really knowing what they are looking for, but nevertheless trying to see as much as possible and then evaluating their reactions to what they see.

To define yourself is more like someone in the same shopping mall trying on clothes, putting together an outfit that will be an outward manifestation of who and what he or she wants to be. How did this person figure out in the first place who they want to be? By walking around, observing as much as possible, and evaluating their reactions to what they observe.


19:12 (Number Nine Crooked Village station)

It occurred to me that I go through quite a range of emotions every Tuesday at the language school at Number Nine. No other period of time in an average week can even remotely compare with it.

It starts with a fatalistic acceptance – from the moment I have to start getting ready until the 17:22 dumps me in the dusty hamlet that is Number Nine. Then it changes to miserable boredom, and my attempts to do something with my arms and hands, and with my voice, that could pass as English teaching. Then, more often than not, one or more of the children’s behaviour or their blatant disrespect drives me to the edge of a red-faced blowout and a very strong desire to throw something at the offending little gangsters in the back of the class. Then a softening of emotion when I remind myself that their behaviour probably still fits on the range of normal behaviour for pre-teens themselves bored out of their skulls.

Finally, at 18:59 comes the relief – that is to say if I am fortunate enough, like tonight, to be informed that the boredom will not last until past eight because the only student attending the second class is absent.

That brings me to the current moment, waiting for the train at Number Nine’s station. Within thirty minutes I will be back at home, with my routine and … let’s just say, a more limited range of emotions.
