(Icarus journal, entry # 22)
I’m sitting in room 1102 in the New Cathay Hotel in Hong Kong. It is 30 December 1999.
[Note on 31/07/2022: Honestly, this piece of text is not good enough for publication. Looking back on that night, I probably could have predicted it then. I had no motivation. I had no inspiration. And I think physically and emotionally I was not in a good place. I had no confidence to produce a proper piece of text. However, the editor in me forced the writer in me: “It’s the end of the year, and of the decade! You simply have to write something!” This watered-down bowl of soup is the unfortunate result. I would rather see a gap in the end-of-the-year pieces than to let this weak effort see the light of day. Or … keep the first paragraph, and the last paragraph, and put this explanation in the middle.]
May the life ahead be beautiful; and if not always beautiful, then fertile; and if not always fertile, well … at least let there always be life!
