In the grip of heretics – or, The Christian – Available formats

In the grip of heretics – or, The Christian is now available in printed and digital formats.

PDF: Free

If you have not read the PDF, click here to download it. (712 KB)

PAPERBACK: US$7.95, £4.95, €6.49


DIGITAL: various formats: US$5.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, and other e-readers, including PCs), MOBI (for Kindle, as well as Windows computers and other e-readers)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle edition: US$5.99*

Amazon – free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

* Please note that Amazon reserves the right to change prices without notifying the author/publisher, so the above price may not correspond with the price at
